Discovered an awesome new site, I think its worth looking at:
A birdie tells me that a particular nerdcore rapper of note (okay fine, MC Lars! I can’t keep it in!) will have a particular web comic of note (okay fine, 27th Street! I’m no good at being coy!) on the site soon. RSS that shit to know exactly when!
Furthermore, it gives me lots of joy to announce the new album from Blak Lotus (AKA Brandon Patton), "Underhill Downs." Here’s what Lotus had to say about it:
The project was delayed by the enormous success of my other band, MC Frontalot, and the movie that was made [Nerdcore Rising] documenting our journey from inexperienced wimps to road weary, jaded, super-wimps. I was homeless for 8 months (don’t worry, I had places to stay.) And all the while, I was just trying to get a home studio going again so I could finish this behemoth, my own little heartbreaking work of staggering genius, my own little Chinese Democracy, the document of my rising from the ashes of past failures and asserting that, yes, beyond all reason, making a personal rock record was the most important thing one could achieve. I laughed contemptuously as people reached major peace agreements, saved innocents from oncoming traffic, and eradicated microbial scourges from the earth. Ha! THEY weren’t taking forever to make a personal rock album like I was. Like Axl Rose. Like… James Joyce and Finnegan’s Wake. What? Although, I am pretty sure, my product will be somewhat more accessible. You won’t need cliff notes.
If you’re me, then you can’t wait to hear this new music (and you suffer from severe seasonal allergies). For the New Yorkers among us, you can do that here:
April 17 – 8pm
Piano’s – New York, NY
That’s about it. Enjoy things.