Nerdcore Rising Year in Review

Hey Folks,
As the year draws to a very warm close (this is negin blogging from my parent’s house in sunny Southern California instead of my usual spot in that glacial drift known as Manhattan), we here at Nerdcore Rising wanted to take a moment and review the shit out of 2007.

We started out the year with a brief stint at the CES convention in Las Vegas where the fine folks at Stage 6 (AKA DivX) unveiled the Nerdcore Rising trailer and Episode 1 of Nerd of the Week to convention goers who were thirsty for some geeky rap to go with their DOTF’s (devices of the future). Even though the consumer electronics compound annual growth rates (CAGR) for the five-year period from 2001 to 2005 for units and revenues were 11.7 percent and 7.4 percent, respectively, that didn’t stop CES from handing out some ridiculous swag at the convention! As they say, when the CAGR is down, the logo-branded handout of tote bags is up! Way up! Nerdcore Rising managed to come back from Las Vegas with some fancy new pens, a free thumb drive, the renewed adoration of one of the highest resolution media platforms, and above all, valuable interview footage with the likes of MC Plus + and Doc Popular, all stuffed into a miraculously zipper free tote of the AppleTV variety.

We then moved into our new office where Andrew Mendelson, editor, co-producer, and regular fixture awaited us with open arms and a couple of terabytes of drive space to conduct an intensive footage blitz. Besides myself, Kimmy and Andrew, a media army of ready-to-kill soldiers of post-production joined us and because we love them, we will name them here: Torrey, Adam, Marisa, Allen, Millie, Tanya, Markus, Florence, and Sam. Though the office we had procured was the size of the aforementioned AppleTV tote, we still managed to stuff everyone inside – though not all at the same time and often with right foot on red and left elbow on blue.

In those new offices we managed to put up the trailer for the film. We uploaded it onto where a few hours later, the site crashed. Apparently if Penny Arcade mentions something, people actually watch it. Digital street cred not only remained in tact but was given a much-appreciated boost. And, our grouplove for Tycho & Gabe not only remained in tact but was newly accompanied with blushing cheeks and massive giggling because Nerdcore Rising has an intense crush on Penny Arcade. We’re thinking of writing a love note, folding it 8 times, and tossing it to them in class but for now, we’re too embarrassed.

Sometime before the thaw, we got to meet and film a Mr. Prince Paul from a little known and totally historically irrelevant hip-hop group called De La Soul (that’s an example of extreme sarcasm). We learned that Prince Paul is one of the more awesome human beings on earth (that’s an example of understatement). And, that avocadoes are his favorite vegetable (that’s an example of out-and-out lying).

Hmmm… More things happened but I got a little long-winded up-top and now I feel like this blog is reaching the shameful 600 word mark so I’ll save the rest of the year-in-review for later. But, for those that might occasionally wonder, the Footage Blitz of 2007 is still ongoing and will continue a bit into 2008. However, it will result in a film that will be watchable and entertainedable (that’s an example of two crappy word formations). It hasn’t yet, but as g-d is my witness, it will! (And that, is an example of an absolute guarantee.)

Negin & all of your footage-humping pals at Nerdcore Rising